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St Johns Attamangalam Jacobite Syrian Church


H H Ignatius Aphrem II, PATRIARCH OF ANTIOCH AND ALL THE EAST, Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church
Catholicos Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I
H.G. Mor Timotheos Thomas, Metropoliton-Kottayam Diocese

Message from ഫാ. വിജി കുരുവിള എടാട്ട്, വികാരി

We are known as Syrian Christians for our liturgical language,originally, is in Syriac and our rites also belong to Syriac Tradition. The traditional christians in India keep the term Syro / Syrian in thier respective Church names even if they are not anymore under the Holy see of Antioch. Why do they want to be known as syrian christians here have St.Thomas as the Apostle who gained our fore fathers and us for Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
What is the identity of the Jacobite Syrian orthodox church in India? Attamangalam St. John’s Church is the best example. Our perseverences to stay in unceasing loyalty to Holy See of Antioch and all the East our obedience to the Holy Throne is of St. Peter and the Apostolic successor H . H. Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka 1, and H.B. Baseliose Thoms 1, our Diocesan Metropolitan Thomas Mor Themotheos is unquestionably pure and unblemishable. The Identity of every Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Christian is this. We will never forget our Moran and Antioch. We of are the spiritual children of Moran Mor Ignatius of Antioch and all the East. A true Children can’t forget his or her Father. All our spiritual gifts are from Antioch.

Message from ഫാ. തോമസ് ജെയിംസ് കണ്ടമുണ്ടാരിൽ, സഹ വൈദീകൻ

The inner essence of being a Christian is eternal life .Both the Episcopal and liturgical heritage of the church affirms the fact that generations elevated from the material world to the realam of salvation.The Jacobite syrian orthodox church keeps vigil to follow the apostolic tradition and Episcopal purity. The church is proud of the succession from St. Peter, the Apostle to the present patriarch of antioch. Intercession to St Mary and all saints is a feature that still exists and observed in the church.
St Johns Attamangalam Jacobite syrian church,Kumarakom is apt to the sayings of our lord My house shall be called a house of prayers.Thousands from different walks of life visit this church to offer their prayers. This parish follows the foot prints of the Apostolic faith which affirmed by us in the Holy Synods viz Nicea, constantinople and Ephesus. The responsibility that we should hold as St.luke says Let your loins be girded and your lamps burnings, is to wait for our lord to come,to guard duty to our faith for the posterity. May God bestow us His blessings by the prayers of St Mary, the mother of God, St.John the baptist,the patron saint of our parish and St. Thomas ,the Apostle to India.